HPH TwinShark 304 TS
primary flight recorder - LXNAV LX9070Flarm, LX joystick
radiostation: Trig, transponder Trig
vario: Winter+ electronic variometer LX V80
altimeter, speedmeter, turn and slip indicator or compas
electrical bugwipers
2x 22Ah battery + 2x engine lithium-manganeese battery
Cloudancers covers for outside standing
set of anchors for outside standings
complete IMI groung handling set
Cobra trailer
parachute: ATL-15
Utilises the proven Binder 2625-02 engine system based around the Solo motor (62 hp)
Schleicher ASG 29 E
primary flight recorder - LXNAV LX9000PowerFlarm, LX joystick
radiostation: Krt 2
vario: Winter+ electronic variometer LX V9
altimeter, speedmeter, turn and slip indicator or compas
electrical bugwipers
2x 10Ah LiFePo battery
Cloudancers covers for outside standing
set of anchors for outside standings
complete IMI groung handling set
Cobra trailer
parachute: ATL-90